• KCI(Korea Citation Index)
  • DOI(CrossRef)
  • DOI(CrossCheck)

Journal of Broadcast Engineering

ISSN : 1226-7953 (Print) / 2287-9137 (Online)

  • KCI(Korea Citation Index)
  • DOI(CrossRef)
  • DOI(CrossCheck)

ISSN : 1226-7953 (Print) / 2287-9137 (Online)

Editorial Board

Editor-in Chief

Je-Won Kang


Je-Won Kang
  • Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Ewha Womans University 52 Ewha-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 03760, Korea
  • +82-2-3277-2347
  • jewonk@ewha.ac.kr
  • sagittak.wixsite.com/icplab
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Image/Video Coding
    2. 2. Machine Learning based Image/Video Processing
    3. 3. Image/Video Analysis and Understanding


Kiho Choi


Kiho Choi
  • #410 Electronic Information College building, Kyunghee Univ. Global Campus, 1732, Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17104, Rep. of KOREA
  • +82-031-201-2566
  • aikiho@khu.ac.kr
  • VCP-Lab. - Professor (google.com)
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Video/Image compression technology
    2. 2. Deep learning-based media technology
    3. 3. International media standard technology

Co-Editor-in Chief

Kyuheon Kim


Kyuheon Kim
  • College of Electronics&Information, Kyung Hee University, 1732, Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17104, Korea
  • +82-31-201-3810
  • kyuheonkim@khu.ac.kr
  • medialab.khu.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Digital broadcasting, Interacive immersive media processing

Co-Editor-in Chief

Young-Chul Kim


Young-Chul Kim
  • Department of Broadcasting & Comm., ICT Polytech Institute of Korea 16-26, Sunam-ro, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, 12777, Korea
  • +82-31-760-3392
  • yckim@ict.ac.kr
  • http://www.ict.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Broadcast Communication Disaster
    2. 2. Broadcast Equipment
    3. 3. Intergrated Reception System

Co-Editor-in Chief

Jae-Gon Kim


Jae-Gon Kim
  • School of Electronics, Telecommunication & Computer Engineering, Korea Aerospace University 76, Hanggongdaehang-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Geyonggi-do,10540, Korea
  • +82-2-300-0414
  • jgkim@kau.ac.kr
  • http://mcl.kau.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Video coding (HEVC, 3D Video Coding)
    2. 2. Image and video signal processing 3. Digital broadcasting media(UHDTV, 3DTV)

Co-Editor-in Chief

Jeongchang Kim


Jeongchang Kim
  • Division of Electronics and Electrical Information Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University, 727, Taejong-ro, Yeongdo-gu, Busan, 49112, Korea
  • +82-51-410-4315
  • jchkim@kmou.ac.kr
  • jchkim.wordpress.com
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Wireless communication systems
    2. 2. Modem algorithm design for digital broadcasting systems
    3. 3. MIMO and OFDM systems
    4. 4. Hardware platforms and applications for IoT

Co-Editor-in Chief

Hui Yong Kim


Hui Yong Kim
  • Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University - #443-2 College of Electronics and Information Bldg., Kyung Hee University, 1732, Deogyoung-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin, Gyeonggi, South Korea.
  • +82-31-201-3760
  • hykim.v@gmail.com
  • https://sites.google.com/view/hykim-video
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Video Coding
    2. 2. Realistic Image/Video Processing
    3. 3. Multimedia Standards (MPEG, JPEG, ITU-T/R)


Eun-Seok Ryu

Associate Professor

Eun-Seok Ryu
  • Department of Computer Education, Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) (03063) Hoam hall, Rm. 51201, 25-2, SungKyunKwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
  • +82-760-0677
  • esryu@skku.edu
  • http://mcsl.skku.edu
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Virtual Reality(VR) Computing
    2. 2. Multimedia Computing and Streaming
    3. 3. Multimedia Systems with Deep Learning

Co-Editor-in Chief

Hochong Park


Hochong Park
  • Dept. of Electronics Engineering, Kwangwoon University 20 Gwangun-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul 01897, Korea
  • +82-2-940-5104
  • hcpark@kw.ac.kr
  • http://dsplab.kw.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Audio/speech signal processing
    2. 2. Music information analysis and understanding
    3. 3. Echo and noise control in digital communications

Co-Editor-in Chief

Kwang-Deok Seo


Kwang-Deok Seo
  • Division of Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, Yonsei University, 1 Yonseidae-gil, Wonju, Gangwon, 26493, Korea
  • +82-33-760-2788
  • kdseo@yonsei.ac.kr
  • http://viscom.yonsei.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Multimedia communications
    2. 2. Video coding
    3. 3. Multimedia transport protocol design
    4. 4. MPEG Media Transport

Co-Editor-in Chief

Young-Ho Seo


Young-Ho Seo

Co-Editor-in Chief

Byung Cheol Song


Byung Cheol Song

Co-Editor-in Chief

Kyoungro Yoon


Kyoungro Yoon
  • School of Computer Science and Engineering, Konkuk University, 209, Neungdong-ro KwangJin-Gu, Seoul, 05006, Korea
  • +82-2-450-4129
  • yoonk@konkuk.ac.kr
  • http://mbm.konkuk.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Personalized Multimedia Service
    2. 2. Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval
    3. 3. Metadata Analsysis

Co-Editor-in Chief

Jong-Seol Lee

Team Manager/Senior Researcher

Jong-Seol Lee
  • Information & Media Research Center, KETI
  • #11, Worldcup buk-ro 54-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 03924, Korea
  • +82-2-6388-6723
  • leejs@keti.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Audio analysis and retrieval
    2. 2. Multimedia content analysis and retrieval
    3. 3. Multimedia service

Co-Editor-in Chief

Yangmi Lim


Yangmi Lim
  • School of Digital Media, Duksung Women’s University
  • +82-2-901-8350
  • yosimi@duksung.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Digital Contents 2. Computer graphics.
    2. 3. Interactive Media Art

Co-Editor-in Chief

Byung Chul Cho


Byung Chul Cho
  • Department of Broadcasting Communication, Dong-Ah Institute of Media & Arts 47 Dong-Ah Yaede Gil, Samjuk, Anseong, Gyeonggi 17516, Korea
  • +82-31-670-6816
  • bccho@dima.ac.kr
  • http://www.dima.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Interdisciplinary Media Convergence
    2. 2. Realistic Media
    3. 3. Broadcasting Contents Production

Board Members

Suk-Ju Kang

Principal Researcher

Suk-Ju Kang

Board Members

Jung Won Kang

Principal Researcher

Jung Won Kang
  • 218 Gajeong-ro Yuseong-gu, Dajeon, 34129, Korea
  • +82-42-860-5137
  • jungwon@etri.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Video Coding
    2. 2. Image Processing
    3. 3. Computer Vision

Board Members

Munchurl Kim


Munchurl Kim
  • Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST) 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Korea
  • +82-42-350-7419
  • mkim@ee.kaist.ac.kr
  • http://mccb.kaist.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. 2D/3D Video Coding
    2. 2. Video Analysis and Understanding
    3. 3. Pattern Recognition and Statistical Machine Learning

Board Members

YongKyu Kim


YongKyu Kim
  • Dept of Media Engineering, MBC PLUS 596, Hosu-ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
  • +82-31-995-0172
  • uhdtv@mbcplus.com
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Lighting(TV, Stage, Film)
    2. 2. Digital Lighting
    3. 3. Lighting for Digital Video

Board Members

Wonjun Kim

Associate Professor

Wonjun Kim

Board Members

Rin Chul Kim


Rin Chul Kim
  • Dept. of ECE, University of Seoul
  • 163 SeoulSiripdae-Ro, Dongdaemun-Gu, Seoul, 02504, Korea
  • +82-2-6490-2336
  • rin@uos.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Digital signal processing
    2. 2. Real-time signal processing
    3. 3. Audio data compression
    4. 4. Multimedia communication

Board Members

Jinwoong Kim


Jinwoong Kim
  • Media Research Dept., Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
  • Gajeong-ro 218 Yuseong-gu Daejeon (34129) Korea
  • +82-42-860-5010
  • jwkim@etri.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Digital holography and 3D imaging systems
    2. 2. Digital broadcasting systems and applications
    3. 3. Video data compression and processing
    4. 4. Multimedia communications system

Board Members

Chulhyun Kim


Chulhyun Kim
  • Broadcast&Media, Korea Nazarene Univ. 48, Wolbong-ro, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do,31172, Korea
  • +82-41-570-1876
  • digitalvideo.kim@gmail.com
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Digital video production
    2. 2. Stereoscopic 3D contents making
    3. 3. VR contents making
    4. 4. Film production workflow

Board Members

Hong Kook Kim


Hong Kook Kim
  • School of Information and Communications, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 123 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju 61005,Korea
  • +82-62-715-2228
  • hongkook@gist.ac.kr
  • http://hucom.gist.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Audio Compression 2. Audio Streaming Technologies for Broadcast and Multimedia Services
    2. 3. Immersive Audio including multi-channel and 3D audio

Board Members

Heung Mook Kim

Principal Researcher

Heung Mook Kim
  • Media Broadcasting Research Section, ETRI
  • +82-42-860-4939
  • hmkim@etri.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Media delivery and transmission
    2. 2. Digital televisions and communications
    3. 3. RF and digital signal processing

Board Members

Gooman Park


Gooman Park
  • Dept. of Electronics and IT Media Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea
  • gmpark@seoultech.ac.kr
  • http://me.seoultech.ac.kr/
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Immersive Media Representation
    2. 2. Computer Vision
    3. 3. Next generation broadcasting

Board Members

YungKyung Park


YungKyung Park
  • Design Dept. Ewha Womans University
  • Ewha Color Design Institute, 52 Ewhayeodae-gil, Seodaemungu, Seoul, 03760, Korea
  • +82-2-3277-2512
  • yungkyung.park@ewha.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Color appearance
    2. 2. Image Quality
    3. 3. Color Measurement

Board Members

Young Cheol Park


Young Cheol Park

Board Members

Gun Bang

Principal Researcher

Gun Bang
  • Telecommunications and Media Research Laboratory, ETRI - Media Research Division, 218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseung-gu, Daejeon, 34129, KOREA
  • +82-42-860-6791
  • gbangetri@gmail.com
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Video/Image Processing
    2. 2. Computer Vision
    3. 3. Immersive Video Processing/Compression

Board Members

Byungjun Bae

Principal Researcher

Byungjun Bae
  • Media Research Division, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI) - Department of Communication & Media Technology, University of Science and Technology(UST)
  • 218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, Korea
  • +82-42-860-3888
  • 1080i@etri.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. UHD broadcasting system
    2. 2. Hybrid broadcasting service
    3. 3. Next-generation media transport
    4. 4. Intelligent media processing

Board Members

Jung Hoon Paik


Jung Hoon Paik
  • Department of Broadcasting Communication, Dong-Ah Institute of Media & Arts 47 Dong-Ah Yaede Gil, Samjuk, Anseong, Gyeonggi 17516, Korea
  • +82-31-670-6734
  • jhpaik@dima.ac.kr
  • http://www.dima.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Broadcasting Network
    2. 2. Video Transmission
    3. 3. Broadcasting Transmission Systems

Board Members

Doug Young Suh


Doug Young Suh

Board Members

Jeongil Seo

Principal Researcher

Jeongil Seo

Board Members

Dong-Gyu Sim


Dong-Gyu Sim
  • Department of Computer Engineering, Kwangwoon University 20 Gwangun-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul 01897, Korea
  • +82-2-940-5470
  • dgsim@kw.ac.kr
  • http://ipsl.kw.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Image processing
    2. 2. Video coding
    3. 3. Computer vision
    4. 4. Real-time video system design

Board Members

Kwan-Jung Oh

Senior Researcher/Ph.D.

Kwan-Jung Oh
  • Media Research Division, ETRI
  • 218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, KOREA
  • +82-42-860-1824
  • kjoh@etri.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Digital Holography
    2. 2. 2D/3D image processing
    3. 3. 2D/3D image compression

Board Members

Byung Tae Oh


Byung Tae Oh
  • School of Electronics, Telecommunication & Computer Engineering, Korea Aerospace University 76, Hanggongdaehang-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Geyonggi-do, 10540,Korea
  • +82-2-300-0409
  • byungoh@kau.ac.kr
  • http://multimedia.kau.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. 3D video system
    2. 2. Multimedia processing
    3. 3. Video coding

Board Members

Jisang Yoo


Jisang Yoo
  • Electronics Engineering Dept., Kwangwoon University
  • #706 ChambitKwan, 20 Kwangwoon-Ro Nowon-Gu, Seoul, 01897, Korea
  • +82-2-940-5112
  • jsyoo@kw.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Video/Image processing
    2. 2. Realistic media
    3. 3. Metaverse

Board Members

Hyun-Seung Yuk


Hyun-Seung Yuk

Board Members

Kuk-Jin Yoon


Kuk-Jin Yoon
  • KAIST 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Korea - Phone +82-42-350-7319
  • kjyoon@kaist.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Computer Vision
    2. 2. Image Processing
    3. 3. Pattern Recognition

Board Members

SangWoon Lee


SangWoon Lee
  • Dept. of Multimedia NamSeoul Univ. 91 Daehak-ro Seonghwan-eup Sebuk-gu Cheonan-si Chungcheongnam-do, 31020, Korea
  • +82-41-580-2194
  • quattro@nsu.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting
    2. 2. Digital Radio System & Applications
    3. 3. ITS & Telematics Applications

Board Members

Jaekwon Lee

Research Engineer

Jaekwon Lee
  • Korean Broadcasting System, Media Technology Research Institute
  • 13, Yeouigongwon-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 07235, Korea
  • +82-2-781-5259
  • breeze@kbs.co.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Next Generation Transmission System
    2. 2. ATSC 3.0 Physical Layer Protocol
    3. 3. Radio Channel Estimation and Detection

Board Members

Jae-young Lee

Principal Researcher

Jae-young Lee
  • ETRI, 218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
  • +82-42-860-5081
  • jaeyl@etri.re.kr
  • N/A
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Digital Broadcasting
    2. 2. Signal Processing
    3. 3. Human Computer Interface

Board Members


Senior Research Engineer

  • Korean Broadcasting System, Media Technology Research Institute
  • 13, Yeouigongwon-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 07235, Korea
  • +82-2-781-5224
  • jaeho@kbs.co.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. IP and Software-based Broadcasting Infrastructures
    2. 2. Hybrid Broadcast-broadband System and Services
    3. 3. Social and Interactive Media Services

Board Members

Chul Lee


Chul Lee
  • Department of Multimedia Engineering 10118 Engineering Building II, 30, Pildong-ro 1-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul 04620, Korea
  • +82-2-2260-3339
  • chullee@dongguk.edu
  • http://cilab.dongguk.edu/
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Computational Imaging
    2. 2. Image/Video Restoration
    3. 3. Machine Learning based Image/Video Processing

Board Members

Taejin Lee


Taejin Lee
  • Audio & Acoustics Research Laboratory, ETRI, 218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,34129, Korea
  • +82-42-860-5713
  • tjlee@etri.re.kr
  • https://www.etri.re.kr/
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Audio and Acoustics Signal Processing
    2. 2. Audio Coding
    3. 3. Audio Acquisition and Reproduction

Board Members

Yongkwon Lim

Senior Manager

Yongkwon Lim
  • Samsung Electronics, 1301 E. Lookout Drive, Richardson, TX 75082, USA
  • +1-972-761-7679
  • young.L@samsung.com
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. multimedia transport protocols
    2. 2. multimedia compression technologies
    3. 3. Interactive multimedia system
    4. 4. Digital Broadcasting technology and standard

Board Members

Tae-beom Lim


Tae-beom Lim
  • Smart Network Research Center, KETI(Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
  • +82-2-6388-6660
  • tblim@keti.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Multimedia Framework
    2. 2. Data Visualization
    3. 3. User Interface/User Experience

Board Members

Dalwon Jang

Senior Researcher

Dalwon Jang
  • Information & Media Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute
  • 9FL Digital Innovation Center, #11, World cup buk-ro 54-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul
  • +82-2-6388-6697
  • dalwon@keti.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Multimedia content analysis
    2. 2. Machine learning
    3. 3. music information retrieval
    4. 4. Acoustic event detection

Board Members

Dong San Jun

Assistant Professor

Dong San Jun

Board Members

Seungwon Jung

Assistant Professor

Seungwon Jung

Board Members

Sukhee Cho


Sukhee Cho
  • Media Research Division, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)
  • 218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34129, Korea
  • +82-42-860-5357
  • shee@etri.re.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Video processing
    2. 2. Media application format and metadata
    3. 3. UHD broadcasting systems

Board Members

Eun Ki Jo


Eun Ki Jo
  • Department of Mass Communications, Sungkonghoe University 320, Yeondong-ro, Guro-gu, Seoul, 08359, Korea
  • +82-2-2610-4711
  • ekcho@skhu.ac.kr
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Media Economics and Policy
    2. 2. Cultural Industry
    3. 3. Media Organization and Management

Board Members

Yoo-Joo Choi


Yoo-Joo Choi

Board Members

Sung-Ho Bae

Assistant Professor

Sung-Ho Bae
  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyung Hee University 1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17104, KOREA
  • +82-31-201-2593
  • shbae@khu.ac.kr
  • https://sites.google.com/a/khu.ac.kr/mlvc/
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Model compression of deep neural networks
    2. 2. Semi-supervised learning
    3. 3. Interpretable and reliable deep neural networks

Board Members

Hyon-Gon Choo

Ph. D

Hyon-Gon Choo

Board Members

Haechul Choi


Haechul Choi

Board Members

Jong-Ki Han


Jong-Ki Han

Board Members

Wonjun Hwang

Assistant Professor

Wonjun Hwang


Soo In Lee

Principal Researcher

Soo In Lee


Jong-Il Park


Jong-Il Park


Sang-Kyun Kim


Sang-Kyun Kim
  • Computer Engineering Dept. Myongji University
  • #5721 5th Engineering Bldg. 116 Myongji-ro Cheoin-gu, Gyonggi-do, 17058, Korea
  • +82-31-330-6443
  • goldmunt@gmail.com
  • Research Areas of Interest:
    1. 1. Multimedia content analysis and retrieval
    2. 2. Multi-sensorial media system
    3. 3. Color adaptation and reproduction
    4. 4. Media-centric Internet of Things


Yung-Lyul LEE


Yung-Lyul LEE